Addison Lueck
Addison was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. We found out our beautiful blessing of a baby girl had a very special heart when mama was 20 weeks pregnant. Addison was born Nov. 13th and she received her first open-heart surgery, the Hybrid Norwood, when she was five days old. The first night was extremely difficult for Addison and was rushed into her second open heart surgery the following morning due to a pulmonary band breaking way. We spent her first month of life in the hospital and received news of her being stable enough to be released to go home before Christmas. We spent the next months busy with tracking O2's, weight, medications, feeds, follow-ups with echos, and of course enjoying all the snuggles in between.
At four months of age, her little heart said enough and she was ready for the next series of surgeries, the Glen. We spent her first Easter at Sacred Heart surrounded by amazing nurses and staff. After two weeks we were able to go home and live a pretty stable, normal life, considering everything required of Addison’s first four months of life. She was on less medication, we didn’t have to track her O2's or weight, we did add lovonox injections for numerous months while her little heart got acclimated to its new physiology. We loved watching her grow and play with her big sister.
Addison turned three and we were starting to watch our spunky little girl decline. Her energy level was so low, she would sit watching the other kids play, cry for help to be carried up the stairs, so we knew it was time for intervention. It was decided on Oct. 1st she would undergo the Fontan surgery. It was a difficult surgery and recovery as she was older and could express her feelings and knew if mom and dad weren't in the room. We kept her as comfortable as possible, dealt with a three year olds depression, and a longer stay in the hospital due to the build-up of fluid around her heart and lungs. A little over two weeks and we were able to finish recovery at home! She was very overwhelmed going home, and very aware of her tender chest, but eventually that passed and she was over the moon to be home. We spent the next 6 months on blood thinners and bi-weekly INR checks at the Coumadin clinic, shout out to Sam and his amazing wife for coming up with a process that wouldn't be so intimidating for a little three years old, thank you...
Time passed and Addison grew stronger and that spunky personality came back bigger than ever! She was finally in the 90s for oxygen saturation and loving life! We are now seen by Dr. Plymale (a wonderful human being and Dr.) yearly.
Today Addison is a thriving, spunky 7-year-old, sister to three siblings, and enjoys everything that comes her way. She has had quite the journey so far and has definitely earned her 'Heart Warrior' title. We thank God for our beautiful blessing and for continuing to carry us through her journey.